Por que eu decidi fazer intercâmbio?
Por muitos motivos...
1. Conhecer uma nova cultura.
2. Conhecer novas pessoas totalmente diferentes do que eu estou acostumada no dia-a-dia.
3. Poder ir para lugares que nunca fui na vida.
4. Ser fluente em inglês (no meu caso de intercâmbio que é pros EUA).
5. Poder estudar em uma escola americana.
6. É uma grande oportunidade na vida.
7. Vai me proporcionar várias lembranças inesquecíveis!
8. Aprender a ser totalmente independente, por que apesar de lá você ficar com uma família, você vai ter que ter responsabilidades e saber cuidar de si mesmo mais do que normalmente.
Entre outros motivos...
Eu quero fazer intercâmbio já faz muito tempo.
Sempre ouvia falar sobre o assunto e sempre me interessava, mas nunca tinha realmente visto como era um intercâmbio, então a minha vontade começou mesmo quando a minha (única e mais velha) irmã Layane fez intercâmbio de 1 mês no Canadá alguns anos atrás e eu achei incrível! Na época eu ainda era muito nova, mas minha vontade já era grande. O tempo foi se passando e a Lay decidiu fazer outro intercâmbio, mas dessa vez como Au Pair, no ano passado. E eu cada vez mais ansiosa para que o tempo passasse e que eu pudesse tentar convencer meus pais para que eu pudesse fazer.
No meu aniversário de 15 anos eu ganhei de presente uma viagem para Orlando e NY, foi incrível, conheci a família em que minha irmã estava ficando além de matar a saudade, a gente passeou muito, conheci um pouco dos EUA e visitei uma casa de uma típica família americana. Minha vontade então não parava de aumentar, mas sempre pensei que eu sendo mais nova do que minha irmã quando ela fez o seu primeiro intercâmbio, talvez meu pais não deixassem e não aceitassem a ideia de eu ir nova para o exterior, principalmente por eu ir sozinha e ficar em uma família que nunca vi na vida. Mas mesmo assim eu decidi que era isso que queria, criei coragem e fui falar com eles. E ao contrário do que eu pensei eles não falaram nada disso! Como disse no post anterior, foi meio fácil pra mim, mas é lógico que também fizemos aquela "continha" que a maioria faz na hora de convencer os pais.
A continha é básica, tudo o que você tem que fazer é ver todos os seus gastos em um mês, mas contando tudo o que você costuma gastar como escola, telefone, compras, mensalidade de atividades que você faz como academia ou inglês, enfim tudoooo e depois somar e multiplicar 10 se você quiser fazer um ano acadêmico como eu. Compare o resultado com outra continha, que seria o preço do intercâmbio (que depende do país e da agência, e provavelmente o preço será na moeda do país), mais os gastos mensais que são na média de 300 dólares por mês (pelo menos para os EUA, e é o que as agências costumam recomentar por mês) e transforme esse preço em real. Comparando tudo você vai ver que não é tanta diferença! É lógico que depende muito do país, da agência e do valor da moeda.
E lembre-se de sempre ter bons argumentos, por que eu por exemplo pesquisei bastante antes de abordar eles com o assunto e mostrei os meus motivos de eu tanto querer fazer intercâmbio.
Why do I decided to do an exchange program?
Because of many reasons...
1. To know another culture.
2. To meet people totaly different from what I'm used to live with in my day by day.
3. To go to places that I've never been in my life.
4. Be fluent in english (in my case I'm going to USA).
5. To study at an american school.
6. It's a big oportunity for me.
7. I'm gonna have lots of amazing memories!
8. I'll learn to be independent, because even if you are gonna be with a host family, you've to have responsabilities and to know how to take care of yourself.
Among others...
I want to make an exchange since a long time ago.
Always heard about it and it always interested me, but I never really how was it, then my interest started when my (single and older) sister Layane did one month of exchange, in Canada, a few years ago. And I though it was amazing! At the time I was still very young, but my interest was already huge. Time passed and Lay (that's how I call my sister) decided to do another exchange, but this time as an Au Pair, in 2010.
And I was increasingly anxious for time to pass, then I could try to convince my parents that I could do it too.
On my 15th birthday I got a trip as a present, to Orlando and New York. It was amazing! I met the family where my sister was hosted, so I met a bit of the U.S. and visited a typical American family. My interest then kept increasing, but I always thought that because I am younger than my sister when she did her first exchange, maybe my parents would not allow and do not accept the idea for me to go abroad, mainly because I would go alone and stay in a family that they have never seen. But even so I decided that it was what I wanted. When I had the courage I spoke with them. And contrary to what I thought they did not say anything like I though they would say! As I said previous, it was kind of easy for me, but of course we also did that "compar list" that almost every exchange student that I know do to convince their parents.
A "campar list" is basic, all you have to do is to see all your expenses in a month, but counting everything you usually spend as school, telephone, shopping, monthly activities you do as a gym or English, finally add and then multiply for 10 if you want to make an academic year as me. Compare the result with another contained, which would be the price of the exchange (which depends on the country and agency, and probably the price will be the currency of the country), plus the monthly expenses that are on average $ 300 per month (at least for the U.S., and is that agencies often recomentar per month) and turn this in your country currency. Comparing everything you will see that there is no much difference! Of course, much depends on the country, the agency and the value of money.
And remember to always have good arguments, for example I researched a lot before talking about the exchange with my parents and I showed my reasons why I want to be an exchange student.
E lembre-se de sempre ter bons argumentos, por que eu por exemplo pesquisei bastante antes de abordar eles com o assunto e mostrei os meus motivos de eu tanto querer fazer intercâmbio.
Why do I decided to do an exchange program?
Because of many reasons...
1. To know another culture.
2. To meet people totaly different from what I'm used to live with in my day by day.
3. To go to places that I've never been in my life.
4. Be fluent in english (in my case I'm going to USA).
5. To study at an american school.
6. It's a big oportunity for me.
7. I'm gonna have lots of amazing memories!
8. I'll learn to be independent, because even if you are gonna be with a host family, you've to have responsabilities and to know how to take care of yourself.
Among others...
I want to make an exchange since a long time ago.
Always heard about it and it always interested me, but I never really how was it, then my interest started when my (single and older) sister Layane did one month of exchange, in Canada, a few years ago. And I though it was amazing! At the time I was still very young, but my interest was already huge. Time passed and Lay (that's how I call my sister) decided to do another exchange, but this time as an Au Pair, in 2010.
And I was increasingly anxious for time to pass, then I could try to convince my parents that I could do it too.
On my 15th birthday I got a trip as a present, to Orlando and New York. It was amazing! I met the family where my sister was hosted, so I met a bit of the U.S. and visited a typical American family. My interest then kept increasing, but I always thought that because I am younger than my sister when she did her first exchange, maybe my parents would not allow and do not accept the idea for me to go abroad, mainly because I would go alone and stay in a family that they have never seen. But even so I decided that it was what I wanted. When I had the courage I spoke with them. And contrary to what I thought they did not say anything like I though they would say! As I said previous, it was kind of easy for me, but of course we also did that "compar list" that almost every exchange student that I know do to convince their parents.
A "campar list" is basic, all you have to do is to see all your expenses in a month, but counting everything you usually spend as school, telephone, shopping, monthly activities you do as a gym or English, finally add and then multiply for 10 if you want to make an academic year as me. Compare the result with another contained, which would be the price of the exchange (which depends on the country and agency, and probably the price will be the currency of the country), plus the monthly expenses that are on average $ 300 per month (at least for the U.S., and is that agencies often recomentar per month) and turn this in your country currency. Comparing everything you will see that there is no much difference! Of course, much depends on the country, the agency and the value of money.
And remember to always have good arguments, for example I researched a lot before talking about the exchange with my parents and I showed my reasons why I want to be an exchange student.
Oi, Adorei o blog e as dicas! Estou curiosa qual agência você escolheu? Tenho várias dúvidas com relação a qual escolher, já que não conheço ninguém que fez intercâmbio...